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Elementor Widgets For Palleon WordPress Image Editor

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Please read the Palleon documentation to learn how to install Palleon and the add-ons.

Download templates

Extract the zip file. You will see "templates" folder. Open it. You can upload these templates to your site from Templates->Import Templates.

Demo Templates

Ajax Grid Widget: Showcase your Palleon templates. After clicking the load more or search button the browser updates the current screen with the latest data without refreshing the page. You can add multiple "Ajax Grid Widgets" to a page.

Classic Grid Widget: Showcase your Palleon templates. After clicking on the page number or the search button, the browser refreshes the page with new data.

You can find the widgets under "Palleon" tab. You can add only one "Classic Grid Widget" to a page.

Pexels Grid Widget: Shows images that are provided by Pexels. Users can browse millions of high-quality royalty free stock images and edit the images using Palleon.

Pixabay Grid Widget: Shows images that are provided by Pixabay. Users can browse millions of high-quality royalty free stock images and edit the images using Palleon.

You can find the widgets under "Palleon" tab. Please note that, you can add only one "Classic Grid Widget" to a page.


All settings are almost the same except for load more/pagination.


Search Box: Show/hide search box.

Default Tag: Select default template tag.

Columns:Select the number of columns in a row.

Max. Items: Maximum number of templates to show.

Horizontal Item Spacing: The spacing between both the left and right sides of a column.

Widget Settings

Vertical Item Spacing: The vertical space between two columns.

Widget Settings

Image Size: You can select between full or thumbnail sizes. Default WordPress thumbnail size is 150px. You can change it from Settings->Media on your WordPress dashboard.

Load More/Pagination: Show hide load more button/pagination.


You can find all the style customization options in this tab.

Search Box

Widget Settings

Info Message

Widget Settings


Widget Settings

Load More

Widget Settings


Widget Settings

How to change any static text?

The easiest way to change any static text in Palleon and Palleon addons, without code changes is by using the Loco Translate plugin. How to use Loco Translate plugin?

Can I add more than one widget to a page?

Yes, except "Classic Grid" widget. As the Classic Grid widget uses url parameters to work, one widget can be added per page. Otherwise the pagination will not work properly.

How to create templates?

Please see Palleon DOCS -> Templates

How to get Pexels and Pixabay API keys?

Please see Palleon DOCS -> Integrations
