Printeon Documentation

WordPress Print Shop Theme & WooCommerce Product Designer

Download Printeon and Palleon from your User Dashboard.

freemius user dashboard
Please read the Palleon documentation to learn how to install Palleon and the add-ons.

After Palleon plugin is installed and activated, go to Appearance -> Themes. Here, you will see all the themes you have currently installed in your application. To add another one, simply click on the Install Themes tab. Upload the zip file.

wordpress theme installation
wordpress theme installation
wordpress theme installation
wordpress theme installation

Enter your license key and activate license.

wordpress theme license key

After installing the theme, if the Palleon plugin is active, you will see a message on the "Plugins" page. Click "Start Installing Plugins", install and activate the plugins.

wordpress theme installation
wordpress theme installation
wordpress theme installation
wordpress theme installation

Maximum Upload File Size

Maximum Upload File Size is crucial because when the customer add the product to the cart, required files are created and uploaded to your media library. If your maximum upload file size limit is low, a server error may occurs. We recommend you to set a high maximum upload size to not have any issue.

max upload size

You can find lots of article about how to increase WordPress maximum upload file size on Google. For example; Click here...

Please make sure you have installed and activated all required plugins before importing the demo content.

Go to Appearance->Import Demo Data and click on the Import button only once and wait, it can take a couple of minutes.

import theme demo

Managing Menus

You can create and manage menus from Appearance->Menus in the WordPress dashboard. After creating the menu, you should select a display location from menu settings.

wordpress menu settings

Main menu (Multi-level menu);

wordpress menu settings

Top menu (Single-level menu);

wordpress menu settings

You can make the last menu item in the main menu a button. To do this add menu-btn class to "CSS Classes" field;

wordpress menu settings
wordpress menu settings

Reading Settings

If you go to Settings->Reading, you can select in the drop-down box any page for the front page display.

To create a blog page, create a blank page. Then go to Settings->Reading and select in the drop-down box the name of the Page that will now contain your latest posts. You can also use one of the blog page templates to create a page which displays all your posts.

wordpress reading settings

With WordPress Customizer, you can drastically change the appearance and functionality of your website from one, manageable interface. That includes making changes to page elements including your site title, theme settings, background image, colors, menus etc.

wordpress customizer

You can upload your logo and site icon from Appearance->Customize->Site Identity.

wordpress customizer

You can find all other theme specific settings in Appearance->Customizer->Theme Settings.

wordpress customizer

1) General

This section contains some general settings like primary color, fonts etc.

2) Header

You can customize the site header from this section. You can choose one of 3 different header layouts. You can change the menu and icon colors.

3) Page Title

From this section you can customize the page title area under the header. You can change the default background image. To change the background image of WooCommerce pages, go to Theme Settings -> WooCommerce.

site header customizer

Custom header images can be added to the posts and pages from Gutenberg.

meta boxes

4) Blog

This section contains the default blog layout options.

Post category pages can be customized from the WP dashboard.;

customize post categories

5) Single Post

You can enable/disable some built-in features like related posts and social media sharing buttons from this section.

6) Blog Search

Settings for the WordPress blog search page.

7) Author

Settings for the WordPress author page. You can also enable or disable author box for the single posts.

wordpress author box

The author box displays the author's biographical information and social media icons. These fields can be edited from the user profile page in the WordPress dashboard.

wordpress author info

8) 404 Page

A 404 page, or error page, is the content a user sees when they try to reach a non-existent page on your website. It’s the page your server displays when it can’t find the URL requested by the user. You can customize this page from this section.

wordpress 404 page

9) WooCommerce

All theme-related WooCommerce settings are located in this section.

wordpress 404 page

10) Footer

All footer settings are in this section. You can add widgets to the footer from Appearance->Widgets page in the WordPress dashboard.

wordpress widgets

You can add widgets to the following areas (Please note that not every widget may fit in every widget area);

Main Sidebar: This is the main widget area displayed on the blog.

Slide-in Sidebar: The slide-in sidebar is a hidden widget area that only opens when you click on the menu icon at the top.

wordpress slide-in panel

WooCommerce Sidebar: This is the widget area that is displayed on WooCommerce product listing pages.

Footer Widget Areas: These widget areas are displayed in the site footer.

bbPress Sidebar: Printeon is compatible with bbPress forum plugin. This is the widget area that is displayed on bbPress pages.

Printeon is fully compatible with Elementor plugin. Elementor is the best WordPress Page Builder, with over millions of active installs. You can create a beautiful website using a simple, intuitive drag and drop Interface.

If you haven't used Elementor before, please visit Elementor DOCS.

There is one thing you need to do after Elementor is installed. Open Elementor and go to "Site Settings->Layout Settings->Content Width". Enter 1280 (themes' content width).


Printeon comes with custom widgets;


Palleon product designer allows you to sell any kind of customizable, print on demand product (t-shirt, hoodie, caps, mug, bag, sticker, poster etc.) on your WooCommerce store.

1) Settings

Custom URL Slug

When clicked on a customizable product, the customer is redirected to a custom url created by Printeon. This URL is like the following example;

You can change "product-designer" part with any slug you want (Only Latin characters, digits, hyphen and underscore are allowed.)

Guest Order

Allow customers to access the product designer without login.

Guest Order Message

If you disable "Guest Order", this message will be shown to non-login users.

Color Attribute Slug

Choose which product attribute will be used for color selection. This attribute will also change the background of the canvas.

This feature is useful if you have a mask product image which has transparent parts.

If you need help to create mask images for your products, we suggest you to hire a freelancer. For example; Fiverr

Upload/Download Template

If enabled, users can download the design to upload later using buttons on the top bar.


You can enable or disable any Palleon module but please keep in mind that if you enable a module from Palleon Settings -> Modules, even if you enable it for Printeon, it keeps disabled.

Image Multiplier and DPI

Instead of saving a single big print-ready image, Printeon saves 2 files for each print area. A preview image and a Palleon template. You can edit and resize the design as you need with Palleon and download as a 300 DPI print-ready file. This unique process, saves your bandwidth and server resources.

Default image multiplier value is 0.5. Lets say your print area size is 600x900 px. The output image size will be 300x450 px which is enough for the preview images. But if you adjust this value as 10 and adjust "Image DPI" to 300 DPI, the output image will be a print-ready big 6000x9000 px image.

We highly recommend you not to change these settings and use Palleon templates to create print-ready files. In this way "add to cart" process will be fast and stable.

2) How to enable product designer?

If Palleon plugin is installed and activated, you will see a new meta box at the bottom of the product edit screen.

If you can't find the meta box, click "Screen Options" and make sure that "Product Designer" is checked.

1) Enable the product designer.

2) Enter a name and upload the product template which you have created using Palleon. These fields are required because there must be at least one print area user can edit on the product.

3) Additional options are optional.

Choose Disable if the product has single print area and has no variant.

Choose Print Areas if the product has multiple printable areas. For example for a t-shirt, you can add front, back, left sleeve and right sleeve print areas. All these fields (except the first one) will be optional.

Choose Variants if the product has different types and they need to have individual templates. For example for a phone case; You can add iPhone 14, iPhone 13 etc. There will be only one print area user can edit.

3) How to create a product template?

1) Open Palleon image editor.

2) Upload the image you want to add a print area on it or create a blank canvas.

3) Click "Shapes". Select "Print Area" from the dropdown menu and add the shape to the canvas.

Fill Color: The background color of the print area. It is optional. Your customers will able to change it from the product designer.

Outline: As default there is a dashed border around the print area. You can change its size and color. If you want to make it invisible, enter 0 to "Outline Size" field.

Resize the print area:

Custom Width and height are in pixels but the actual size is not important. You will be able to resize the print area with Palleon before downloading the print-ready file. The important thing is the aspect ratio.

To resize the print area to a specific aspect ratio, enter the values to required fields (first one is width, second one is height) and click "lock" button.

When the aspect ratio is locked, if you enter a value to one of custom width or custom height fields, other value will be recalculated automatically.

4) Lock the layer (print area): This is important. You should lock the print area layer before save or download template.

Overlay Image (Optional)

Overlay image is useful only if your mask image (PNG) has transparent parts and the size of the image (or the aspect ratio) is equal to the canvas. The overlay image will over all objects on the canvas and will be stretched to fit the canvas.

5) Save or download: Click "Save or Download", and save or download file "as template". Then you can add the template to the related field on product meta box.

How to edit saved templates?

Go to Media Library, find the template file (.json) you want to edit and click "Edit with Palleon" link.

3) PR Templates

To create your own template;

1) Open Palleon image editor.

2) Create a blank canvas

3) Create a design using Palleon tools such as text, shape, element etc.

4) Click "Save or Download" when you're done. Then click "Save as PR Template" button to save the template.

You can edit or delete the templates from "PR Templates" on your WordPress dashboard. You can also create categories for your templates.

4) PR Orders

When the customer finish the customization of the product and click "Add to Cart" button, a new PR order is created automatically.

Post status;

Draft: The product has been customized and added to the cart by the customer but not ordered yet.

Trash: The product has been removed from the cart by the customer.

Published: The product has been ordered by the customer.

Please keep in mind that when you permanently delete an PR order, all the attachments are deleted from your media library.

1) Click "Edit & Download With Palleon" button. You will redirect to Palleon.

2) Check the user generated design and edit anything you want.

3) Resize the canvas to get a high resolution image.

4) Click "Save or Download" button.

5) Click "Download". Select 300 DPI and click "Download As Image" button.

Can I edit the user menu?

As default, WooCommerce account menu is displayed to logged in users.

If you want to add the links manually; Go to Appearance -> Menus, create a menu and set display location as "Printeon menu". Save changes.
